2019年教师资格证面试:小学英语《What time is it?》

来源:招教网时间:2018-11-27 11:31:48责任编辑:jiameng

关键词: 教师资格证

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2 What time is it


1. 题目:What time is it

2. 内容:

What time is it

It is 5 olock.

3. 基本要求:





1. 你现在在做什么工作?

2. 你觉得你讲的好吗?


Good morningdistinguished judges. I m No. 1 candidateapplying for primary school English teacher. My topic is What time is itNow I ready. Class begins.

. Warmingup

TMorningchildren. Let enjoy a song first. This song is about number. Il sing it first. You listen. OKHere it goes.

Onetwo/Buckle my shoe/Threefour/Knock at the door/Fivesix/Pick up sticks/Seveneight/Lay

them straight/Nineten/A big fat hen/Eleventwelve/Dig and delve.

TIl sing it once moresee if anybody can repeat it.

TVery goodThis song refers ten numbers. Let count from 1 to 12 together.

TExcellentI really appreciate your effort

. Lead in

TNow let have a riddle. I have a big round face. I have no legs or feetbut I can walk. I have no mouthbut I

can sayticktock”“ticktock. What am IWho can tell me what it isJackcome onGive it a try

TYou made it. Good try. It is a clock. Clock spells clock. Please read after meclock.

. Presentation

TIf you have a clockyou can tell the time. Lookwhat time is itWho would like to answer the question

Hands up if you can. Jessdon be shyhave a try.

TJess says five. Yesvery good. It 5 olock. You can answer the question with the sentenceIt...olock

when someone asks you the time. Watch the clock again. What time is itBobIt your turn.

TThat a fantastic answerisn itYesit eleven olock.

. Practice

THere comes the game time of our lesson. It called Touch and Say. You seetheree two clocks on my hand.

Il invite a student to come to the front and he/she will ask meWhat time is it. When I answer the question the

student should touch the right clock. ReadyWho wants to play the game with meJackplease.

TThat was very good. Jackyou can go back to your seat. Now all of you can draw two clocks on the paperand

act it out with your partner. One acts as what I doand the other does as what Jack does.

TI like a group to act it out in front of us. Who wants to come to the frontAny volunteersAnnie and


TNice workI really enjoy itI like another group to act it out again.

. Production

TBoys and girlsall eyes on the slides please. We are going to read about David day. For exampleit seven


olock. It time to get up. But the sentences are in the wrong order. Would you please put them into the correct

orderDon forgot to number the sentences in the correct order.

TNikehave you finished your work yetWould you like someone to help youOKMarkplease.

TAnyone with a different answer

TLet see who is correct here. Did you get it rightPlease put up your hand if youe got a full mark.

. Summary and homework

TTodaywe learnedIt is...olockto describe time. Let go through the dialogue. What time is itIt 5


TChoose one of the following tasks and finish it after school

a. Review David s day and ask your parents about their timesuch as when to go to workand go to bed.

Remember how to describe it. And I will ask you tomorrow morning.

b. Learn the two sayings by heartTime flies. Time and tide wait for no man.

TTime is up. Let stop here.

What time is it

What time is it

It 11 olock.

That my presentation. Thanks for your listening.


1. 大学毕业后,我在一家课外辅导机构做一名英语老师,虽然工作时间不长,但是我十分喜欢这份职


2. 我认为我这节课有优势,同时也存在不足。首先,本节课重难点突出,完成了预设的教学目标,学生通过与老师的对话和游戏活动,自然而然地学习了本节课的重点句型。其次,在教学过程中,充分体现了学生的主体地位,通过歌曲和游戏,吸引了学生的注意力,激发了学生的学习热情,帮助学生练习和巩固新句



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