2019年教师资格证面试:小学英语《A butterfly》

来源:招教网时间:2018-11-27 11:31:03责任编辑:jiameng

关键词: 教师资格证

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1 A butterfly


1. 题目:A butterfly

2. 内容:

It was a white egg. Then it became a caterpillar. It ate leaves. It lived in the small cocoon about two weeks.Finallyit came out from the cocoon and became a butterfly. There were so many butterflies.

3. 基本要求:





1. 请谈谈什么是语法教学中的归纳法。

2. 请谈谈你这节课的教学重点是什么。


Good morningladies and gentlemen. I  No. 1 candidateapplying for primary school English teacher. My

topic is A butterfly. Now I ready. Class begins.

. Warmingup and leadin

THelloboys and girlswelcome to my class. Today I want to share a song FlyFlyButterfly.Flyflyflythe butterfly. /In the meadow is flying high. /In the garden is flying low. /Flyflyflythe butterfly.

TFrom the song we know that the butterfly is freeflying high and lowhere and there. Do you know how the

butterfly comes into beingLet start our new lesson and see.

. Presentation

TLet watch the strip pictures of butterfly growth. While watching the picturespay attention to the following

questionsWhat was the color of the eggHow long did the caterpillar live in the small cocoonWho like to tryMikegive a try.

TPardonIt is whiteIt almost right. Pay attention to my questionthe tense of the sentence. Try againplease. That makes sense. Youe a smart boy. The answer is it was white.

TThe answer to the second question is the caterpillar lived in the small cocoon about two weeks.

TThe two answers on the blackboard use the simple past tense. Who can find out the rule of the simple past tense

TYesas we can seethe simple past tense is usually used to talk about something in the past. We need to add“⁃edto the end of a regular verb to form this tensesuch as livelived. But in the passage there are past forms of

some irregular verbssuch as iswasarewereeatatecomecame.

. Practice

THere comes a fun part of our lesson. Let play the game. If I saystand up”,you must all stand up at once.

If I say stood up in the simple past tenseyou can stand up. Nod your head. Clapped your hands.

TWho nodded just nowWho clapped hands just nowJust nowI saidClapped your hands. So you

shouldn clap your hands.

TBoys and girlslet look at the front of the classroom carefully for one minute. Who is willing to go out of the

classroom and spot the differences laterJane and Tomgo out please. Let make some changes. Please come in

Jane and Tom. Janeyou first tell us what is different from what it was just now.

TThe window was closed nowbut it open now. Good actingYoue got sharp eyes. Tomwhat do you find

TBrilliantYesthere were some English words on the blackboardbut now the blackboard is clean.

. Production

TIl divide you into groups of 6and each of you need describe the growth of a tree. At the same timedraw it

into strip pictures. Are you clearLet begin.

TGroup 2 finish the task first. Would you please give us a presentation

TThat was good. Now wee known about the growth of a tree. It is similar to the growth of a butterfly. It was a

small seedand then it was a sapling after two weeks. Finally it grew tall and became a large tree.

TI going to give you a little quiz. Please watch the blackboard. The sentences are in the simple present tense. Convert the following sentences in the simple present tense into the simple past tense. I want all of you to

write down your answers. The two sentences are as follows. I usually eat an egg for breakfast. There are three people in my family.

THave you finished your workNow Let see what the correct answers are. The answer to the first question is atethe second is were. Did you get them rightPlease raise your hand if you have any questions.

. Summary and homework

TA few minutes leftlet review the lesson. Can you retell the growth of a butterfly with the help of strip picturesLook at the blackboard. Yesa white eggthen a caterpillarand finally a butterfly.

TChoose at least one of the tasks freely and do it earnestly after school. For the first onecopy the words and

sentences five times. For the second onetranslate the following Chinese into English. Remember to use the simple past tense. 你昨天几点去睡觉的?我们昨晚举行了一次聚会。

TThere goes the bell. Class is over. So long.

A butterfly

am/iswas It was a white egg.

arewere then

eatate It became a caterpillar.

comecame finally

becomebecame It became a butterfly.

That my presentation. Thanks for your listening.


1. 语法教学中的归纳法是指在学生就特定结构的使用进行练习之前,让他们先接触一定数量的实例,




2. 这节课的教学重点是一般过去时的用法。通过本节课的学习,学生能够使用一般过去时谈论过去某





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